Gold-Veined Mirrors
Gold-veined mirrors are currently the trendiest mirror on the market, and it’s no surprise why. The elegant and illustrious golden veins of gold vein mirrors add a unique touch of class no other mirror can achieve.

A few decades ago, the gold veined mirror was what every wealthy homeowner desired to show off their fortune. They were most popular in the 60s and 70s but generally fell out of fashion as the modern trends began to pick up. But its recent return to the front of the stores has forced a revival of what may be one of the most beautiful mirror designs you can equip your home or office with.
The gold veins on the mirror offer a look of measured decadence, reflecting the light back through the gold veins and your image in the mirror. It is like seeing yourself with gold running across your body — and what more could you ask for, with a mirror such as this?