Color of Glass
Recent technology over the last few decades has exponentially multiplied the ways in which glass can be colored. The different colors that can be applied to glass have grown tenfold. In the 1950s, colors for glass were incredibly limited. As a result, most homes and businesses chose dark, earthy tones such as browns and blues, and nothing more. It was in the 90s when advanced technology increased our sophistication with color-blending techniques. And suddenly limitation of a few colors exploded to the wide range of thousands and thousands of colors now available today.
Clear glass can be colored in different ways. A common way of coloring it is by adding a special coloring component in its composition during an early production stage. You can also create custom and unique colors by using interlayer films. This technology allows designers and laminators the opportunity to apply any kind of color you want.

Certain colors are generally applied to certain places, fitting the theme and functionality of a specific room. Grey glass, also known as graphite, is often used for facade glazing and high-tech interior decoration. For those who are searching for a more classic look, you will never go wrong the traditional and reliable glass bronze with a brown tint.
Like any glass, colored glass is transparent. And we can treat and harden it to be as safe as you require, needing no special attention towards maintenance or cleaning. You can choose smoked glass, back painted glass, ultra clear (low-iron) glass, or gradient glass for your project. With so many options available, there will always be a perfect choice for your design.