Glass Thickness
Glass thickness can define the way your glass looks and feels, and it generally define the application that it will be used for. When handling orders, we recommend the ideal thickness and size for the glass that you need, ensuring that your glass matches its exact purpose.
Common glass thickness includes:
- 3/32″ thickness (2.4 mm) – used in picture frames, small insulated glass units, not temperable.
- 1/8″ thickness (3.2 mm) – small cabinet door panels, insulated units, picture frames and small table tops.
- 3/16″ thickness (4.8 mm) – larger cabinet door panels, single pane window, small mirrors.
- 1/4″ thickness (6.4 mm) – all general glass applications, such as table tops (as protective cover), insulated units, interior & exterior door lites, shelves, framed shower doors.
- 3/8″ thickness (9.5 mm) – framed & frameless shower doors and enclosures, shelves, table tops, glass walls and partitions.
- 1/2″ thickness (12.7 mm) – larger shower doors and enclosures, larger shelves, larger table tops, countertops, glass walls and partitions, hand railings.
- 3/4″ thickness (19.1 mm) – very large table tops, very large shelves, larger countertops, mall fronts, glass floors.
- 1″ thickness (25.4 mm) – glass flooring, stair treads, tables, glass furniture.
When understanding the glass thickness and how thick certain glass should be, you must consider the weight that it will be expected to carry. Glass is a considerably elastic material, which means that when loads and weights are applied to glass, you risk no form of permanent deformation. Unless it breaks, glass will always restore itself to its original dimensions regardless of how often it may become deformed under weight.

Finding the perfect thickness is essential, and knowing the application of your glass is the most important factor in choosing its thickness.
In our projects we usually use glass thickness from 1/4″ to 3/4″ for shower doors. Typical table top glass thickness is the same – from 1/4″ to 3/4″. Thickness of glass railings and wall systems varies from 3/8″ to 3/4″. We use only high-quality tempered glass.
While thinner glasses have the benefit of being lightweight and exude an aura of delicacy and charm, thicker glasses are substantially more impressive, making a statement in your home or office laced with authority. Choosing the thickness of your glass is as much a practical and functional choice as it is a personal one.